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PEP Book4 Unit 4 At the farm A Let’s spell 教学目标:

2.能听、说、读、写单词:horse,fork,homework,world map。

3.能根据发音规则拼读出单词,并阅读短文 教学重点:or组合的不同发音,及重点单词 教学难点:能根据发音规则拼读出单词,并阅读短文 教具准备:
1. 准备相关教学课件、视频和录音。

2. 教师准备相关单词卡片。

教学过程 StepⅠ: Warm-up 1. Greeting: T: Hello, boys and girls! Ss: Hello, Miss Ling. T: How are you ? Ss: Fine, thank you. And you? T: Very well thanks.Now let’s sing the song “IR UR” (播放歌曲伴奏全班边唱歌曲边复习字母组合ir ur的发音.) StepⅡ:Presentation 一、导入:
交待任务引出Gors. T: I have a task. I have a card. It’s a task card. Let’s see! Today our task is to fulfill the task with Gors and get the treasure chest.But who is Gors? Now let’s know Gors。引出Gors 二、通过对Gors的认识引出重点词汇 fork Q1: What’s the same? S1: They all have the same letters or. Q2: What’s the sound of or? Let’s listen. S2: or /ɔ:/ (1) 手势教学并跟视频chant (2) 拼读ork ort orn orse (3) 教学单词horse 1>分音节教学h /h/ or/ɔ:/ s/s/ e silent 2>组组拼读 (4)教学单词fork 1>分音节教学 2>两两读 2.homework world map 通过更加了解Gors引出单词 short work world 对比三个单词or的发音不同引出or /ə:/的发音 并强调规则or在w后通常发/ə:/ ,与ir, ur同音 (1)手势教学并做肚子饿的样子 (2)or /ə:/ 引出 wor /wə:/ (3)教学单词work-homework 1>老师说字母同学说发音 2>小老师带读 3>work 引出homework 排排读 (4)教学单词world-world map 1>老师说字母同学说发音 2>小老师带读 3>world 引出world map 个个读 3.回归课本听读单词 StepⅢ Consolidation and extension 任务开始Now is time for us to fulfill the tasks. Are you ready? 1.Let’s chant(课本chant)
3.Let’s practice (处理书上练习)
4.Pick the corns (同桌合作拼读出玉米上的单词并根据or发音规则把玉米装进对应的篮筐)
5.Let’s read (四人小组合作读一则有关Gors的故事) Sum up: 学生总结学习的内容,全班齐读 Homework 熟读40面的单词,并找出更多含有or的单词



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